Why are More Companies Moving to Cloud-Based Data Storage

Why are More Companies Moving to Cloud-Based Data Storage?

All businesses and institutions must have a solution in place for securely storing important data.  While many businesses have traditionally used on-premises hard drives and servers for local, offline storage, more businesses are moving to cloud-based storage for important data, including sensitive data.

While on-premises storage using servers and other devices within your IT infrastructure offers a high level of security, it does have its limitations.  There is a finite amount of storage with this strategy and to get more storage space, your business must purchase additional equipment.  The limited amount of storage space may also hinder your business from increasing the scope of your operations beyond what your data storage capacity can handle.  The other major limitation with on-premises data storage is that the data is usually only accessible on-site from a connected device, making it more challenging for remote workers to access the data.

More businesses are moving to cloud-based storage as they gain a better understanding of the benefits of the cloud.  Cloud computing does not have the same limitations as on-premises data storage, allowing businesses more flexibility when it comes to their storage and operations.  In this guide, we will discuss the main benefits of cloud computing that are causing more businesses and institutions to switch to cloud storage.  If your business needs outside help to ensure the safe transfer and management of your cloud storage, call our professionals at PSM.

What is Cloud Data Storage?

Cloud data storage is the storage of different types of data within a virtual, online storage space known as a cloud.  Data within the cloud is stored on off-site servers maintained by a third-party provider and it can be accessed online from anywhere.  Businesses that use cloud-based storage have access to more storage space than with on-premises hardware which allows them more flexibility to expand the scope of their operations.

There are several different types of clouds that businesses and institutions can incorporate into their cloud computing strategy.  The following are the main types of clouds:

  • Private cloud: Private clouds are the most secure clouds as they can only be accessed by select users. These clouds are protected with multiple levels of security to prevent entry from third parties and unauthorized users.
  • Public cloud: Public clouds are clouds owned and operated by third parties that can be accessed and used by anyone over the internet. These clouds are considered public because anyone can create an account and use it for their purposes, but each user creates a login that only allows them to access their data within the cloud.
  • Hybrid cloud: A hybrid cloud involves integrating a public cloud and private cloud into the same cloud environment. With a hybrid cloud, sensitive data can be stored on the more secure private cloud while the public cloud provides storage space for less sensitive data.
  • Multi-cloud: This is the use of multiple public and private clouds which gives businesses more capability at a lower cost. This setup allows businesses to keep some data and operations secured on the private clouds with ample storage space on the public clouds.

If your business or institution has decided to switch to cloud-based storage, you will need to set up your cloud space and migrate your data to the cloud.  It may be best to have our IT professionals at PSM help with the cloud migration to ensure that your data is transferred safely to the cloud.

Benefits of Cloud-Based Storage

As mentioned above, there are several benefits to cloud-based storage, including more storage space and the ability to support remote work environments.  The following are the main benefits of cloud computing:

Smaller Risk of Data Loss

One of the biggest cyber threats to a business or institution is the loss of data.  With on-premises servers, businesses do not have many options when it comes to backing up their data. This means that an issue with the system or a ransomware attack may permanently wipe out company data.

Cloud servers are routinely backed up which reduces the risk of losing data and makes recovery much easier in the event of an emergency.

Cloud Storage Saves Money

On-premises storage requires maintaining an infrastructure of servers and other hardware equipment used to store data.  It costs businesses money to update and maintain storage hardware and this equipment also consumes power and takes up space.

With cloud storage, your business only pays for what you use, including the memory space and any other additional features you need for your cloud.

Better Remote Flexibility

Many businesses have a working environment that involves remote employees, and it helps those working remotely to have access to company data.  Cloud storage allows remote workers to access company data from anywhere which helps maintain business continuity in remote working environments.

Cloud storage also gives businesses the flexibility to operate across multiple locations and even go international with their operations.

Reduce Security Risks

Servers used for on-premises storage are not only at risk of cyber threats like ransomware and data breaches, but also natural disasters like flooding, fires, and break-ins.  Damage to the equipment from these disasters can result in the permanent loss of your data.

With cloud storage, you do not have to worry about a disaster causing damage to the servers and they can be set up with many layers of security that protect against cyber threats.  The cost of security and business continuity technologies for cloud storage are much more accessible to small and medium-sized businesses.

On-Demand Support

Cloud service providers offer on-demand support for users of their services that include compliance and cybersecurity support.  Users can expect cloud service providers to implement safeguards that protect against cybersecurity threats and regularly back up their data so it can be easily recovered in case of a cybersecurity event.  Compliance support can help businesses and institutions adhere to applicable laws when it comes to handling sensitive data.

Move Your Storage to the Cloud with PSM

With the above-mentioned benefits of cloud-based storage, businesses, and institutions should consider switching to cloud storage, especially if you are currently relying on on-premises, offline storage.  Cloud-based storage gives your business more flexibility when it comes to storage space, security options, supporting remote work, and expanding your IT operations.

If you decide to switch to cloud-based storage, your cloud will need to be properly set up and maintained and your data must be migrated to the cloud.  If you would prefer the help of an IT professional to set up your cloud and transfer your data, PSM can help with our cloud migration services.  Our professionals will understand your needs when it comes to cloud storage and advise you on the best type of cloud for your purposes.  We can set up your cloud with the required layers of security and safely transfer your data, including sensitive data, to the new cloud environment.  We also offer managed cloud computing services to continue to maintain your cloud after it has been set up.

You can call PSM at (312) 940-7830 to learn more about cloud computing and how it can benefit your business.


(Managed Services, Cloud Services, Consulting, Cybersecurity, Talent)

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