Managed IT Services

10 Essential Tech Tools Every Legal Professional Needs to Know

10 Essential Tech Tools Every Legal Professional Needs to Know

Did you know that technology now plays a crucial role in every aspect of life, especially in the workplace? Technology has changed the legal profession, emphasizing the impact of virtual work settings, remote communication with clients, and increased flexibility in accessing information and managing legal tasks from anywhere. A recent report highlights that nearly 47% […]

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Essential Tips to Defend Against Social Engineering Attacks

Guarding Your Digital Self: Essential Tips to Defend Against Social Engineering Attacks

In today’s interconnected world, social engineering attacks pose a significant threat to individuals and organizations. These deceptive tactics exploits human error to manipulate individuals into disclosing sensitive information, enabling cybercriminals to infiltrate networks and commit identity theft. Whether online or in person, most attacks prey on trust and exploit psychological manipulation to achieve their malicious

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Understanding Cyber Insurance: Safeguarding Your Digital Assets

Understanding Cyber Insurance: Safeguarding Your Digital Assets 

In today’s rapidly advancing technological landscape, the threat of cyberattacks is more common than ever, placing businesses of all sizes at significant risk. Cyber insurance has become an essential safeguard, providing a crucial layer of protection for your digital assets. With cybersecurity threats continuously evolving, it is imperative to understand the importance of cyber insurance

Understanding Cyber Insurance: Safeguarding Your Digital Assets  Read More »

Effective Methods for Retrieving Company Equipment from Remote Workers

Effective Methods for Retrieving Company Equipment from Remote Workers

How do you reclaim company equipment from remote workers efficiently? This article covers effective methods to tackle logistical challenges, including inventory management, clear communication, and legal safeguards to ensure smooth equipment returns. Key Takeaways Establishing a Remote Employee Equipment Agreement and clear inventory procedures are crucial for ensuring the return of company assets from remote

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Discover AI's Role in Transforming Nonprofits: Boosting Efficiency and Impact

Discover AI’s Role in Transforming Nonprofits: Boosting Efficiency and Impact

Despite the slow adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology in many sectors, including nonprofit organizations, a recent survey reveals that over half (58%) of respondent’s report that some members of their organization actively use generative AI in daily tasks. This highlights the growing familiarity with AI, its advantages, and its influence on organizational effectiveness. This

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Cloud Cost Optimization: How to Lower Cloud Costs

There has been a huge shift into cloud computing as more businesses and organizations are switching to an online cloud environment for data storage and other tasks.  There are several benefits to cloud computing, including increased scalability, flexibility, and resource availability.  Cloud computing also offers secure data storage and prevents data loss due to issues

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Navigating an Office Relocation and Site Build-Out: A Comprehensive Guide to IT Essentials for Businesses

Navigating an Office Relocation and Site Build-Out: A Comprehensive Guide to IT Essentials for Businesses

The decision to relocate your company’s office or build a new site is pivotal in your business journey. This shift reflects growth, adaptation to changing business needs, and often a quest for enhanced productivity and efficiency. However, it’s essential to understand that office relocation and site build-out present a unique set of challenges from an

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Discover the advantages of ongoing PC refreshes over bulk upgrades for businesses in this insightful blog. Explore cost-effectiveness, productivity boosts, flexibility, and environmental considerations for optimal IT infrastructure management.

The Impact of Ongoing PC Refreshes on Productivity and Performance

In today’s fast-paced digital world, technology is the lifeblood of businesses. It drives productivity, streamlines operations, and helps maintain a competitive edge. Central to this tech ecosystem are personal computers (PCs). Businesses are constantly grappling with the challenge of keeping their PC infrastructure up-to-date. Whether through ongoing refreshes or bulk upgrades, businesses strive to maintain

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Unlocking exceptional customer experiences through a reliable IT service desk—a pivotal force in navigating the complex digital landscape.

6 Strategies to Enhance Your IT Service Desk for Optimal Performance

In this dynamic landscape, one-third of customers emphasize the significance of resolving their concerns in a single interaction, regardless of how long it takes, as a pivotal factor in a positive customer experience. This underscores the importance of a reliable IT service desk operating as a support system, ensuring that customers receive swift and efficient

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What Is On-Premises Active Directory, and Do I Still Need It

What Is On-Premises Active Directory, and Do I Still Need It?

Balancing a “cloud-first” approach while maintaining on-premises systems is a common challenge for organizations as they shift to using cloud services. One of the questions we often hear at PSM is, “Do I still need to keep my Active Directory (AD) if I move to Microsoft 365 and Azure?”. Well, the easy answer is that

What Is On-Premises Active Directory, and Do I Still Need It? Read More »


(Managed Services, Cloud Services, Consulting, Cybersecurity, Talent)

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